You know those days when you feel swamped, pressured and not up for anything?

And do you usually fight this feeling? Do you push yourself to get the usual done anyway, because you "have to"?

I get it. For many years, this is how I've functioned too and to be honest, the tendency is still there!

However, now I know better. I know that by simply pushing myself, I can't succeed. By fighting this uphill battle, the only result I get is exhaustion.

So I follow my four step inner process to get myself on track again.

I'm sharing this with the hope that also you can get inspired to chose ease and flow instead of pressure:


Step 1 - Listen

I listen within. Is my body sending me messages? Is my lower back tight because my foundation is a bit shaky? My lower thoracic, because my body is super exhausted? Or is a shoulder pulling for other stressors in my life?

Every body part shares its own message.

By simply listening we can unravel and find tons of clarity.


Step 2 - Create Space

Especially when I feel swamped and too busy for it, I know I need to even more so create the space to breathe, unravel and take the pressure off. When there is no time for it, I know I even more so need to make sure I book in for a yoga class, treatment or free up an hour or so to meditate. My new found recharged body and clarity of mind will thank me for it with tons more productivity afterwards!


Step 3 - Declutter & Detox

This is an inner as well as outer process, that's quite ongoing really. Declutter and detox your life, everyday life, body and mind. If things have become way too overwhelming and you feel swamped more so than usually, I'd recommend to sit down and do a brain dump (Read all about what that is and how to do it here, plus check out some more tips on how to simplify a busy life). Clear out your mind so you can think clearly and freely again. Simplify your life and get rid of all unnecessary clutter in your daily moves, schedule, thoughts and surroundings to create clarity and flow.


Step 4 - Reconnect with your female flow

This is my last but certainly not least important step for today. Over centuries women have been more and more disconnected from their inner strength and power by not passing on the knowledge of what their monthly hormonal fluctuations mean for their mental and emotional well-being. When looking at the effects these hormonal changes have on the female body, there is no wonder that our ability to deal with certain tasks and thought processes fluctuates just as much all throughout the month! Reconnecting with ones own unique hormonal flow, allows us to reconnect with our own phases in which we can and should push (in life generally, just as much as in your business!) and in which we better kick back, take the pressure off and focus on self love. So if you're feeling overwhelmed and under pressure, ask yourself: "Where am I at in my cycle?"

Of course Communication is also another major one. However, this is covered in some other blog posts of mine. :)


If you'd like to learn more about stepping into alignment, flow and creating the life of your dreams, my book 'Remember Who You Are' will give you the guidance and inspiration you’re craving.

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