Have you ever flicked through a clothing catalogue and then filled in the order form?

Did you ever send it off with just a note saying “I’d like a singlet.”?

Really? I mean, what sort of colour, size, product number did it have? Surely you would have made sure that the company receiving the order would have known EXACTLY what you want!

You would have stipulated the amount, the colour, size, shape, material, look, price, everything. Just to make sure you would get EXACTLY what you wanted.

Well, it’s much like that with the universe.

First, you need to be clear about what you want, fill in the order form with the date and your name and then follow it up by placing the “order”. 

So as exercise for today, go ahead, grab a piece of paper. Mark it with your name and date on the top (best even sign it) and then write down your wishes and dreams down as exactly as possible. SEE on your inner eye what you’d like. FEEL how it feels like to have/be it. IMAGINE how it is to have/be already what you’re hoping for. Then VISUALIZE it to be true already. That means, write it down as if it’s already here. Keep on holding up the vision by placing your “order form” in a prominent place, somewhere where you spend a lot of time. Ie the fridge, the toilet, the dashboard of your car OR take a picture and safe it as your screen saver on your mobile device or computer. Anywhere where you can see it. Keep on reading it, visualizing it and REMINDING yourself.

Then see it come true. 

Really. It’s such a great exercise and I’ve loved seeing what can happen over the past many years!

One more thing: 
Add the date or time frame that you’d like it to come in. You need to be as exact with your orders (if not even more detailed!)  as in a “real order” in a catalogue.

Have fun! 

Please share your stories and experiences in the comments! I'd love to hear from you and I know your fellow change makers would love this inspiration too!

If you'd like to learn more about creating the life of your dreams, my book 'Remember Who You Are' will give you the guidance and inspiration you’re craving.
